Black Box Multi-Beam Echosounder 800 W 165 kHz CUSTOM SCREENS
It is possible to view the image of the multibeam sonar in customizable screens by connecting the DFF-3D to the multifunction displays of the NavNet TZT / TZT2 series. The screen is divisible up to three portions in which the modes can be displayed simultaneously: Cross Section, Triple Beam and 3D Mode. The choice is very flexible and can vary from user to user.

DFF-3D is equipped with MULTIBEAM technology. Inside the probe there are 41 elements capable of covering a surface of 120 ° from starboard to port of the boat. This allows you to reach targets that could hardly be detected with monotonous technology, scanning a much larger surface of water than that of traditional fishfinders.

The Cross Section mode allows the real-time display of what happens on the entire water column, while the triple beam mode identifies the three beams (right, left and amidships) making it possible to precisely position a target in real time or in the history [Example of Triple Beam mode] 3D MODE AND SIDE SCAN

The 3D mode is a three-dimensional processing of the background structure and the present targets detected by the transducer beam. The bottom and individual fish are indicated with different colors based on the depth reached, the power of the echo and other parameters preset by the user. The Side Scan mode, on the other hand, is the two-dimensional projection of the echo sounder image, useful for evaluating small variations in depth. [Example of 3D History / Side Scan mode] FLEXIBLE LAYOUT
With TZT / TZT2 display units, one, two or three windows are available. The choice of mode for each window is very flexible like the following examples. In example 1 the Triple Beam, Cross Section and 3D History modes are chosen. In example 2 the Side Scan, Triple Beam and 3D History modes are chosen. Instead in the example 3 Chart, Triple Beam and 3D History are chosen. In the last example 4 the Echosounder modes from another DFF and Triple Beam from the DFF-3D are chosen.
DFF-3D is supplied with two types of transducer: through-hull in bronze with fairing block (hydrodynamic shoe), or for mounting from the transom. In both versions the probe is equipped with motion and temperature sensors [The transuder with fairing block