
Fusion DAB + module with DAB100 antenna

  • Code: 010-01953-10
€ 127,50 € 150,00 -15%
FUSION DAB 100 module
Fusion introduces support for the latest digital radio broadcasts, DAB and DAB +, on the 750, 755 and 650 series entertainment systems. Support for DAB is growing globally with more countries adopting the protocol and more stations are becoming available regularly.

The MS-DAB module provides access to digital radio when connected to an antenna. Simply connect to a supported stereo with an antenna and enjoy the newly created DAB source with the superior audio quality of Fusion.

Digital radio does not suffer from the nuisance effects of electrical interference or interference caused by adverse weather conditions, which can ruin analog broadcasts. With digital radio, due to how it is broadcast, there is no hiss, crackle, fade or overlap - just a great radio all the time if you are within the coverage area.

With digital radio technology, broadcasters can broadcast more stations than ever. From rock to easy listening, from today's hits to books and comedy, on average the digital radio listener will have twice the choice of stations than listening via FM (depending on their location).

Station information on screen: The connected Fusion stereo displays the station name, ensemble, program type, category and dynamic label segment (DLS) information for easy recognition and search for available digital radio stations.

Multi-Region Support: Many regions have digital radio support, including the EU, Norway, Switzerland and Australia.

Antenna Mounting Options - The antenna has two mounting options for easy installation on any vessel.
Technical specifications:
Module input current Maximum 250mA
Module operating temperature range 0 to 50 ° C (32 to 122 ° F)
Module storage temperature range -20 to 70 ° C (-4 to 158 ° F)
Compatibility of the DAB, DAB + module
Stereo compatibility MS-UD755, MS-AV755, MS-UD750, MS-AV750, MS-UD650, MS-AV650, MS-RA70, MS-RA70N, MS-BB100, MS-RA205
Supported regions EU, Norway, Switzerland and Australia
Sensitivity of the module -97 dBm
Module input voltage 10.8 to 16 Vdc
Antenna output voltage 8 to 15 Vdc
IPx3 water resistance module mounted with connectors facing down
IPx7 Antenna Water Resistance
FAKRA module antenna connector type Z-Type Water Blue male
Cable length 1.5M (4.9Ft) stereo connection cable
Antenna connector type FAKRA Z-Type Water Blue female
Antenna impedance 50 Ohm
Typical antenna gain of the antenna 22 dB
Antenna input current 13 mA
Antenna input voltage 6 to 16 Vdc
Antenna Cable Length 10M (32.8Ft)
Module dimensions 58mm H x 64mm W x 21mm D (2.28 x 2.52 x 0.83 inches)
Maximum Antenna Dimensions 248mm H x 110mm W (9.76 x 4.33 inches)


Sei interessato ad una offerta privata?
D. Buon giorno, con questa antenna (Modulo DAB con antenna DAB100) posso ricevere "anche" le normali stazioni radio fm, oppure dovrò installare una seconda antenna fm per radio-stereo. grazie e saluti
R. 10-01-2021 Buonasera, necessaria anche una seconda antenna, sufficiente anche quella a filo: https://www.painestore.it/fusion_antenna_a_filo_ms-sa1_8 Cordiali saluti. Luigi Bianchi
D. Salve, vorrei acquistare un "Fusion Modulo DAB con antenna DAB100". Non conoscendo le caratteristiche del segnale DAB, vorrei chiedere riguardo l'antenna se è possibile il sio funzionamento se montata in dinette o devo necessariamente montarla all'esterno? Se solo all'esterno, l'antenna è stagna? Vedo 2 foto, una con una base tonda più grande e una senza: E' predisposta al montaggio in entrambe le configurazioni? Grazie per le risposte Davide.
R. Buongiorno, l'antenna è predisposta per l'installazione in entrambi i modi, penso che possa anche provare ad installarla internamente, adatta per installazione in esterno. Cordiali saluti. Luigi Bianchi
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