Raymarine Tacktick T70338 Wind Wireless Pack
Package including sensor, STNG Wireless interface and T113 Remote Display
Wireless T120 unit for mast mounting 
This rugged unit is solar powered and transmits wind data from the mast pen to the Mirco-Talk Gateway remote control unit directly wirelessly.
Multifunctional wireless remote control, with indicator 
The manual remote control provides all the information needed to improve the boat's performance, such as: wind speed, speed history, SOG, COG and performance data graphics. All at the touch of a button.
MIRCO-TALK gateway 
The Micro-Talk Gateway allows connection between systems
Raymarine wireless micronet and SeaTalkNG networks.
Benefits: Optimized sailing performance with accurate layline representation and wind data sent wirelessly directly to Raymarine MFD devices
Harness the full power of the Raymarine MFD on board
True wind data calculated by sophisticated air flow algorithms
It provides data in real time, with an accurate and fast refresh rate
Quick installation and simple, wireless connection to the wind vane
Low energy consumption thanks to the use of integrated solar generators to produce the wireless signal